Tamagoyaki used to be the most popular food for kids at lunch, including for me. Tamagoyaki is a Japanese omelet. Egg yolks A couple years ago, when I went back to Japan for a visit, I noticed egg yolks were a very vivid reddish-yellow color, much different from Canadian eggs. I wondered why Canadian egg yolks were such a plain yellow. I found out that diet contributed to the color of the yolks. If the diet contains yellow or orange plants, those colors will be deposited in the yolks. In North America, hens are fed grain and milo. In Japan, they are fed corn and soybean oil cake. That is

Kitchen knives are one of the most common and widely used kitchen utensils. While simplistic in its design, kitchen knives are extremely versatile and today’s article, we’ll share a few interesting facts about knives that may surprise you. 1 A single knife is all a chef requires for cooking. While there are dozens of types of knives available, the chef’s knife is a universal, multi-purpose knife which is extremely versatile and is used in almost every kitchen. The chef’s knife’s versatility lies within its size, which ranges between 8 to 10 inches long and 1.5 to 2 inches wide. Some countries may also add their own minor variations to their

img by : https://www.hocho-knife.com/ Japanese knives are consistently ranked as some of the world’s top knives in the cutlery market. With enhanced features fitting for traditional techniques required to make mouth-watering sushi dishes, Japanese knives are in high demand. Most kitchens that utilize high-quality knives have Japanese knives in their inventory. As most Japanese dishes require intricate processes to successfully combine the blends of extraordinary, traditional flavors with subtleness, the skills of the blade are essential. And as the mastery of the blades is highly significant in Japanese cuisine, having a blade companion is indeed crucial. With that being a significant part of Japanese food, a great Japanese knife is